Wednesday, November 8

It's NOT just my imagination...

My belly really is MUCH larger this pregnancy. For those of you not in the know on pregnancy doctor visits, the doctor measures your uterus from top to bottom and it should measure about 1 cm per week of pregnancy. I usually measured 1-2 weeks "big" with Ashleigh, meaning I might measure 25.5cm at 24 weeks. Not a big deal.

WELL. Today I am 26 weeks pregnant. BUT my uterus measures 30!!! Oh my God. This doesn't mean anything is wrong, because all my bloodwork came back perfect (as in no gestational diabetes, YAY!!!) and Abby is definitely doing well. Dr. Chaney thinks she might be a soccer player, the way she started kicking and wiggling when he tried to listen to her heartbeat.

All this "bigness" really means is 1) I get a much wanted ultrasound in 2 weeks; and 2) He hinted at an earlier C-section.

As for the #1, I had already asked him for another one because I can NOT shake this nagging feeling that Abby is actually a Mason. Never felt gender-doubt with Ashleigh and I'm probably just being crazy. Their sonographer has an EXCELLENT track record, so I really have no reason to doubt her. She was sure our little baby is a girl.

As for the #2, AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me explain. I'm already freaked out that I am scheduled to have a baby three months from today. There's just so much to get done before she arrives! And I have holiday festivities taking up time that I feel I don't have. And to think I could have even LESS time? It freaks me out. Just...ALOT!! But it'll all be alright. It always is. We have all the essentials (except little bitty diapers) and the baby bed is still up in Ashleigh's room. But you know me, I want everything done just the way I want it.

Cute Ashleigh Story
This morning it was really foggy at our house. Probably the foggiest it's ever been since she's old enough to notice such things. Well, I never could understand what she was calling the fog, but she would stick her finger up in the air, then put it in her mouth and say it was yummy. And we couldn't leave until I had tasted the yummy fog too. And this was another moment when I realized what a total Mom I am: I didn't feel the least bit silly standing there with my almost-2-year-old, tasting the fog with my finger and telling her that yes it was very yummy. Then the pregnancy hormones kick in and I get all sad because I know these moments won't last forever.


Cory said...

Yikes! Moving it up! Oh well, whatever is best for you and the baby!
You'll have to share when you figure out what the fog is. AND, you know Ashleigh only did that to make you look dumb. ;)

Kelley said...

Wow...that's a big uterus! :)

And the "gender doubt"! I must say, I can picture you having a Mason more than I can an Abby. Interesting, isn't it?

Kim :) said...

Loved the story about the fog. I can SOO relate to those moements! Things we do with out children that we would never consider otherwise! Love it.