Friday, November 10

Random Thoughts...

::I feel like I kinda look like Jabba the Hut these days. I'm sure I'm not THAT grotesque, but I feel that way, just the same.

::I think some of my shoes make me look like an elf. My black loafer-type and brown loafer-type shoes (that are becoming a staple of my pregnancy wardrobe) are curling up at the toes a bit. I'm sure nobody notices, but the make me feel a little like an elf. Especially the black ones, they're worse.

::On the subject of elves, I know what Santa feels like when he laughs and his belly shakes like a bowlful of jelly.

::I'm getting so excited about Ashleigh's birthday and Christmas. She's getting some things I know she'll really like. She's really getting into imaginative play, so I'm sure after Christmas, we'll be cooking and doing all sorts of things with her new goodies!

::I think some of my co-workers and I should form a posse to catch the toilet paper bandit(s). I'm referring to the person(s) who always leave an empty roll on the holder. I mean, are they in that big a hurry? Take the time, put a new roll on. It's not hard. We have the same kind of holders that are common in homes across the country. While we're at it, we need to find the person(s) who regularly leave in ungodly stench in the restroom and make sure they get the medical attention they obviously need. Trust me, it is foul!

::A week or so ago I bought new eyeliner and mascara because what I had was old and bothering my eyes. I was way to excited about trying it out the next morning. Rather than thinking that's sad, I prefer to think I'm easy to please. I'm sure Kenneth would disagree. ; )

::I'm looking forward to a nice weekend. My parents are coming to visit tomorrow and that's especially exciting because I really didn't expect them to make the trip this soon after my Mom's total knee replacement. She's doing really well. If I can just get her to sit down a bit while they're here.

::I'm still in the ohmigosh-how're-we-gonna-get-the-nursery-completed frame of mind, but not as bad now. I've come to the realization that everything really WILL be OK.

::Gotta find some tv time. My DVR is getting all full...


Cory said...

So THAT'S why I couldn't reach the parents all weekend. You were hogging them to yourself! :)
Glad to hear that things are going well!

Kelley said...

Okay, I'm quite sure you do not look anything like Jabba the Hut!!! And new makeup IS exciting, whether Kenneth agrees or not!

Hope you had a great weekend with your parents!

Kim :) said...

I hope you can find that toilet paper bandit! That is so uncalled for! :)

I'm with you on the easy to please issue.. Or at least "I" believe I am! As with Kenneth, if you asked Gary he may say differently! lol

Hope you have a great week.