Wednesday, January 2

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve & Day.

Let me tell you, our NYE was WILD!!! I won't take time to list all the details, but the highlights were:
::Kenneth trying to play songs for the girls on Ashleigh's xylophone and
::Kenneth giving the girls "rides" in a little round clothes basket. This involved sliding and spinning them on the floor. He had two "wrecks" with Ashleigh, but no serious damage was done to her head or to the floor. ; )
We actually stayed up until midnight this year, which was the first time in a few years. We are getting sooo old! Had a pretty laid back day yesterday, spent a lot of time together as a family which was very nice indeed.

Quick little recap of December:
::My 35th birthday was very low-key but quite nice. Kenneth surprised me with an iPod shuffle which I absolutely love. How did I survive before?
::Christmas was just wonderful. Lots of nice things as far as gifts go, and lots of wonderful time with family. Ashleigh went nuts when she saw the rocking horse under the Christmas tree! The red wagon was also a big hit. Can't wait until we have a warm day and I can take the girls out for a ride in it. Super nice wagon too, thanks to my Mom and Dad. The bottom flips up on each end to make seat backs and they have seat belts and cup holders!! Be really nice for the festivals coming up this spring.

2007 in Review:
::Had another beautiful daughter who just happened to arrive in the world at a whopping 10 lbs. 12 oz. Watching her grow and interact with all of us, especially her older sister has been a huge blessing.
::Learned to juggle two children, not always easy, but not nearly as difficult as I feared.
::Celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Still happy I married my best friend.
::Had to find a honest-to-goodness babysitter for the girls; as Kenneth's Mom just wasn't up to keeping them full-time, along with our niece and nephew.
::Lost a co-worker who moved "back home" to the coast; but hired another great designer-his personality makes him a blast to work with as well
::Celebrated Ashleigh's 3rd birthday, which I STILL can't believe


Cory said...

Glad to hear you had a great new years!

Kelley said...

Lots of great news in this post...I enjoyed it. 2007 sounds like it was a great one, and that wagon sounds like da bomb!!!

Gina said...

Hope you are well - hugs : )

Anonymous said...

I love that your daughter went nuts for the same kind of toys that we loved as kids - rocking horses and red wagons. It's heartwarming to know that in this age of complicated electronic and crappy plastic toys that kids still love the classics.