Monday, December 11

Birthday Party Photos

Well, the party went very well, I think. At least everyone said so. And Ashleigh certainly got lots of wonderful gifts. And she loved her cake. Almost as much as the Dora and Boots that were stuck on top!

Friday night Kenneth had to work late, so Ashleigh and I had a girl's night out. This included last minute items for the Birthday Party and a trip to the ever-popular McDonalds! I snapped this after we got home; I think she was as tired as I was!

My first attempt at a homemade birthday cake. It didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped, but it sure did taste good!

She was Mommy's little helper all morning long!

This was the best shot I got during the Happy Birthday song. She blew her candle out really quick, on the first try!

She was ready to taste her cake, and decided it was "yummy."

Even though she loved all her gifts, she got the most excited about her tricycle when Kenneth brought it in.

My Mom gave her this pillow & pillowcase to match the bedding set my in-laws gave Ashleigh. She decided she was sleepy, so she used tissue paper as a blanket and entertained us by "snoring" for a few minutes.

My parents gave her this table & chairs which she loves as well!

After opening her gifts and playing with some toys for awhile, she had to get back to the yummy cake!


Kim :) said...

awww LOVED all the pictures! It looks like a successful birthday party!

Her hair is getting so long!!

And the cake looks very yummy!

Kelley said...

What a great birthday she had! She looks adorable, and your cake turned out just fine! Looks like she quite enjoyed it!! :) Glad the party went well! Can you believe that she is TWO????