Thursday, January 25

Coming to terms...

I've tried to deny it for awhile now.

I thought that if I didn't acknowledge it, it wouldn't be true.

But today, three people mentioned it to me and I've come to terms with the fact...

I have the pregnant waddle.

I know it's a normal thing, but I NEVER waddled with Ashleigh. Seriously. I'm so much more pregnant this time around.

But, I only have to waddle for 2 more weeks. Because by this time on February 8th, we should have our sweet little wonderful Abby in our arms.

And to anyone who wishes to ridicule my waddle: bite me. Be glad I'm walking at all. Especially if you've never been pregnant. I wish you knew what it felt like!

My doctor's appointment was good yesterday. No weight gained since last week. And after the 4 lb. loss the visit before, that puts me at 11 lbs. total gained through this pregnancy. Hard for me to believe, trust me. But there are no signs of labor starting, which is a good thing this time and Abby is growing like she should and has a steady, wonderful heartbeat. The nursery is coming together, although I wish it was DONE. Because if it was, I could truly say I'm ready to meet our second daughter. I'm getting really excited about it. That outweighs my fear of total failure today!


Kelley said...

Oh no! Not a pregnant waddle!! My opinion is, your pregnant and it's all a beautiful thing. So waddle away! Glad the appt. went well and no weight gained! You should be able to lose that measley 11 pounds in no time at all!!

Cory said...

Nothing wrong with a good waddle! Of course, I feel like I waddle sometimes and I'm not even pregnant. I'm really glad to hear that everything is going so well. I hope you enjoy your shower tomorrow and I hope that Momma doesn't drive you too crazy!

Cat said...

Hey I waddled from the end of my first trimester....Ask Cory, I was HUGE....I looked like a ate a VW Bug for breakfast everyday!!!