Friday, June 29

Conversation with a toddler

This morning, as I was applying my makeup, Ashleigh said something to me about growing up. I didn't quite catch it, she was mumbling.
JT: Oh, you want some makeup like Mommy?
AT: Yes! I want to grow up so my booty will get bigger.
JT: ooookaaayy (laughing, of course.)
After I applied some makeup:
AT: Oh thank you, Dr. Mommy, thank you for doctoring me. My booty is getting bigger already! See?
and she turned around and shook her booty for me.

Where do kids get this stuff? I'm beginning to worry that she has a fixation with her butt, though. Several months ago, she started telling us she had thorns in her tail! (Which she did not, by the way!)

Have a great weekend!


Cory said...

Goodness! She certainly does come up with some stuff, doesn't she!

Kim :) said...

Now that is tooo funny!!! Crazy kids. Got to love them!

Kelley said...

A butt fixation, eh? What a funny story!!