Monday, June 18

Yes, I'm still here...

Well, things have been busy and with my aging computer & crappy dial-up internet at home, I just don't have the patience (or time) to do anything online from home.

Many things have been going on though:
::Celebrated wedding anniversary number 13, actually left the kids with Rachel and went out. Very nice.
::Moving right along with Ashleigh's potty training. Starting to see some real progress there, I was starting to really get discouraged.
::A few weeks ago, Kenneth decided it was time for Ashleigh to go to bed in her room by herself. I told him that he had to be in charge of that task, I couldn't do it. Well, he did it! Within a weeks time, she went from crying (wailing) and carrying on to actually telling us she wanted to go to bed in her "big girl room." We still have to spray the room & her with the "No Scaries" spray, AND she still gets up in the night and comes to our room, but we're getting there.
::Abby is trying to roll over, but hasn't made it all the way yet. She is cooing and making all sorts of racket! Such a little darling and so good natured. We've been blessed with a very laid-back baby. She can throw some fits, but it doesn't happen too often, thankfully.

Here are some photos:

Abby's 4 Month Photo

Ashleigh at 2 and a half

Abby's first cereal. And if you think this is funny, you should see the video!

Ashleigh's Crazy Hair! This is what can happen when Kenneth has the girls most of the afternoon. But you know what? I love it! Not the hairstyle, necessarily, but the fact that Kenneth plays around with her hair. And he can fix it nicely when needed.


Kim :) said...

Yeah!! Glad to see your post! :) I'm glad to hear the girls are doing so well. LOVE all the pictures! Happy 13th! Glad that you were able to have a little date night to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,

LOVE, love the photos of your babies. They are adorable! Just checking in to see how you guys are doing.

I sent an email to your work address about a month ago. That's the only one I have for you. Did you get it? It was about a columnist at the Dispatch who bought a print of mine. Is there a better address to email you?

My addresses are:

The second one goes to my blackberry too, so I can read it anywhere.

Scott and I are still trying to get pregnant. It's been a year now and we have begun testing. So far, it looks like Scott's swimmers aren't up to the challenge and may need a little help. I had an HSG done Friday, they injected dye into my female parts to make sure everything is clear and I'm still a little oooged from it, but it looked like everything was ok.

Just wanted you to know I still think of you guys and I check in every now and then to see what you're up to.


Kelley said...

Ahh! Love the photos!!! Abby is such a cutie, and Ms. Ashleigh's hair is so pretty! She's growing up fast.

Glad the potty training is going better for you. I know that is frustrating!! And the big girl room too. Good for you! Keep stock in that No Scaries spray!! :)

Glad you enjoyed your 13th!!!!