Tuesday, July 17

Guess What?

Just realized I hadn't posted to let you all know:
Ashleigh had a piece of foam larger than a quarter in her nose!!! Oh. My. God. It looked like she'd taken a huge (for her) bite out of a pink Nerf-type ball, then shoved it up her nose. Aside from the fact we don't let her have anything foamy like that because she bites, tears and makes a huge mess of it, like a puppy, I can't imagine how or why she'd put it up her nose! So far the pediatrician couldn't even see it! The ear, nose & throat doctor, Dr. Ryan Simmons, was awesome with Ashleigh. He was even getting me prepared to have a procedure done in the hospital. Then he saw it, and out it came! And you couldn't even tell by looking at her that anything was in there. Mind-boggling.

Aside from that, all is well. Things at home and work are wonderful, except for finances, but isn't that always the case? The girls will be on different health insurance at the end of the month and on a cheaper policy, which will help a bit.

Enough of all the gab, here are some pics of my beautiful babies:


Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm so glad that the ENT was finally able to find what was up her nose!! Kids! They are really crazy little things. I hope she wont be doing that again!

I'm with you on the fiances. Taking such a huge pay cut when I walked out on my job really takes a toll. But we will survive. we will make it work.

Great pictures of those beauties!

Cory said...

Mom had told me about he nerf foam. All I can say is WOW.

Great pics of the girls!!!

Danielle said...

they are so beautiful! love the pics. so glad things are going well.

Kelley said...

Very nice pics! Thanks for sharing! Love Ashleigh's little swim suit. And so glad her nose is foam-free now! Can't believe that. What possesses them to do such things???? :)

Gina said...

Wow, I would have never even thought of that, it's good of you to share it so that others can be aware of it. And those photos, oh so sweet. I really like the little bathing suit your pretty girl is wearing.