Friday, April 21


Boy, was today ever a busy day! I suppose most of it was because of a full page car ad I had to do this morning, but things got all backed up, stress levels started get the idea. 5:00 (or 5:10) couldn't come quick enough. Kinda makes me dread Monday more than usual. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, it's just that Mondays bring an end to my pretending I'm a stay-at-home-mom. *Sigh*

I'll have to work our EVERY DAY this next week. Kenneth picked up pizza for supper. It was thin crust from Dominoes so it was too bad calorie-wise, but it wasn't exactly grilled chicken and veggies! I probably used most (or all) of my flex points for the week! (Weight Watchers people will get that one.)

I've officially re-ordered my bridesmaid's dress, since the first one I ordered was HUGE. Now watch, this one will be too small. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

It's raining and icky here, so they postponed Relay for Life until tomorrow at noon. On one hand, it really sucks because so many people-like Rachel- worked so hard to get ready for it all tonight, then it all had to be packed up to be put up again tomorrow. On the other hand, I can take Ashleigh and spend most of the afternoon and have a great time. I didn't have any plans other than the usual cleaning, hanging out and trying to scrapbook, but now I'll be doing Relay. I'm sure Ashleigh will have a blast--she's all about the outdoors. Kenneth might come too, his plans for tomorrow fell through.

Hmmm.....Ashleigh is trying to take her shirt off. Think that's a hint she's ready for her bath? It's past her bathtime anyway, so I better go do that and TRY to get her to sleep at a decent time.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Mmm...that pizza sounds yummy indeed! With all those workouts, and watching what you eat this week, you should be just fine! Yay for the new, smaller bridesmaid dress! (I still want to see it!!!) Sorry the Relay for Life got postponed, but hope that you had a good time with Ashleigh there!