Friday, June 2

12 Years Ago Tomorrow...

Kenneth and I will have been married for 12 years! Man, where has the time gone?

In 12 years we've:
::Had 10 (?) vehicles
::Bought a house
::Had 8 jobs
::Had one lay-off
::Had one broken leg
::Had one totalled car (that still makes me sad...)
::Had 2 hospitalizations (not related to broken leg OR totalled car)
::Lost 3 grandparents
::Worked through the possibility we might not have children
::Experienced the joy of having a daughter
::Realized we probably won't ever have any money, but that's OK
::Learned about ourselves and eachother

Best things about our marriage
::We're best friends
::We trust eachother completely
::We give eachother plenty of room and time to ourselves
::We can admit we get on eachother's nerves; and that's OK
::When we're upset with eachother and don't even like to be in the same room together, our love and committment is never in question!


Aimee H Shaw said...

Well Happy EARLY Anniversary!!!
Kenneth looks a little wormy - lololol - but then my Kenneth did too in our pics. Time just FLIES by, doesn't it?!

Kelley said...

AWWWWW! Look at that adorable couple!!! So young and fresh...and to think that your love is even stronger now than it was on that day! Love this post!

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Oh you look so cute on your wedding day! You look so happy! You've accomplished a lot of things in your time together with Kenneth! Enjoy every moment...

Kim :) said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys had a wonderful time! And here's to many more anniversaries to come!