Tuesday, June 20

Things I've Realized

Today while working on a very tedious project, I had lots of time to think and I've realized a few things about myself:

-I really like alone time on occasion. Usually I can't get it when I want it.
-When I have alone time, it really ticks me off when I can't enjoy it; for whatever reason.
-My music tastes are very fickle. What I love today, I might HATE tomorrow.
-Even though I've done this "pregnancy thing" before, I've forgotten alot! I feel compelled to read every pregnancy book I can get my hands on. (Still skipping all the scary parts, of course!)
-I have been blessed with the most adorable, loving wonderful daughter. Can I be so blessed the second time? (OF COURSE!)
-I'm really hung up on the pregnancy stuff. Obsessed, really. Even though now I KNOW that things get infinetly harder AFTER birth.
-Will this be a boy or girl? Will he or she look just like Kenneth? Or will there be a little bit of me in there?

-I thought of a few other things, but I've forgotten them. (Yes, that little forgetfulness thing you've heard about pregnancy? Very true!)


Cory said...

I wish I had time to come up with stuff like that. And I wish I could enjoy my alone time. School keeps butting its head into that space!

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Oh my god CONGRATULATIONS! I just read this last post and was like 'huh?' Pregnant? What? But then I realised I hadn't read your previous post! CONGRATULATIONS that is great news. I look forward to reading about your progress. You're a great mum to little ashleigh- its so exciting to hear you'll be a Mum again!

Frenchy :)