Sunday, June 18

Top 8 Mom Sayings

These are things that remind you that you're a Mom the second they come out of your mouth. Be sure to read to number 1, it's a doosey!
9. Don't grab other people's pee-pees. (Ashleigh walked up to me, grabbed my crotch and yelled pee-pee. Thank GOD we were at home.)
8. Don't eat the cat food!
7. Get your finger out of your nose. (At least, I HOPE you're talking to a child on this one.)
6. Stop chewing your toe.
5. Don't drink your bath water.
4. You can't eat that, it's been on your bootie! (Food out of high chair seat before I get it cleaned out.)
3. Don't stick your tongue in my nose!!! (Yeah, that was my reaction too!)
2. Don't try to look under someone's butt when they're on the toilet. (too hard to explain, trust me.
1. Sweetie, you're going to be a big sister because Mommy has a baby growing in her belly.

Yep, that's right. We found out last week that Ashleigh will have a brother or sister sometime in February, probably. I go to the doctor on July 11, I'll have an exact due date then.

And yes, it was a surprise.

And yes, after the shock wore off, we're very, very happy.

We don't care if it's a boy or girl, we just want a healthy child.

Yes, we'll find out if it's a boy or girl as soon as they'll do a sonogram! Not caring does NOT equal not wanting to know.

Just trying to answer all the obvious questions. ; )

OH, and for those of you out there on careful. That's all I'm going to say...


Cory said...

Jackie, I really hope you and I didn't end up with bad batches of that stuff. I would like to be married for a while before being pregnant!!!! But Josh and I are very happy for you. And Josh is VERY happy as long as I'm not pregnant myself!!!LOL
Congratulations and I can't wait to see you and congratulate you in person.

Kim :) said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am very excited for you guys. I know it wasn't planned, but it sounds like it was meant to be!

Congratulations again!

YankeeAmanda said...

So so SOOOOO excited for you guys!!!

We MUST get together soon!!!

Anonymous said...

What exciting news! Congrats!

Kelley said...

So happy for you guys! And so so glad the cat is out of the bag now!