Sunday, May 14

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. Mine has been quite busy, but good and productive.

Kenneth made it home safe and sound Friday afternoon, Ashleigh and I are both happy to have him back.

Saturday Cory and I went to Tuscaloosa and bought the (silk) flowers for:
::4 flower arrangements
::14 bouteniers (sp?)
::2 Mother's corsages
::8 server corsages
::4 bridesmaid bouquets
::1 bridal bouquet
::1 "toss" bouquet
We also bought the ribbon, etc. for 4 pew markers. We left at 8:30 and got home at 6, but we got some beautiful things. We finished up everything this morning and Cory should be a little over halfway to Columbia with it all now.

Mom came down today and got to see all the wedding flowers and we got to spend some time together. Ashleigh was a little on the whiney side, clinging to me--I guess since I was gone yesterday. We TRIED to take some photos but that didn't go well AT ALL. Hopefully Kenneth will get some shots of me and Ash tonight. Gotta have photos of me and my girl on Mother's Day!

I got some money, a keychain and a lamp for Mother's Day. That's all very nice, but here's the best gift of all:
I was awake when Ashleigh woke up this morning. (Yes, in our bed-I know, I know...) I closed my eyes and she thought I was still asleep. She leaned over and whispered "Hey! Hey Mama!" followed by something in her little language only she understands. Then she kissed me on my cheek and rubbed my head. Then she laid her head down on the pillow right by my face and put her little arm around my neck. After a minute or so I opened my eyes and she was looking right into them! She grinned really big, said hey again and patted my cheek. Like me waking up was all she needed to make her day complete.

Moments like that make it worth all the interruptions, distractions, messes, crying and whining.

It's also very comforting to know that my Mom loves me just as much as I love Ashleigh. Very cool feeling, indeed...


Kim :) said...

Glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day. Those little moments with our children mean more then anything that money can buy!

Cory said...

Thanks for all the help on the flowers. I really appreciate it. Especially since you did all that for me right when Kenneth was coming home from a trip.

Kelley said...

What a very sweet Ashleigh story! Such a small moment in time, but oh so precious. And I know you'll remember it forever!

Were you able to get a pic of the two of you on Mother's Day???

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Hey Jackie!

This is going to sound completely bizarre but last night I had a dream about you! I have no idea why but my dreams are always quite random so be prepared. haha! I had a dream Dan and I came to the states to meet up with you. You had 9 kids and lived in this really run down 2 storey house! Your husband went out on this huge fishing trip while we were there and came back with a massive head of a shark to feed the family! It was completely absurd. Anyway heaps more happened but as usual I have forgotten- we ended up teaching you a dance (which was the wiggles version of the eagle rock song) and then I think we left. But it's just weird because now you're in the back of my mind all morning because of it. You know how dreams do that to you and I feel as though I actually have met you! hahaha as I said- completely random! I have no idea why I dreamt that.

Have a great day!
