Tuesday, May 30

Mr & Mrs Josh Williams...

I officially have another brother-in-law! The wedding was beautiful and the reception food a little too good, if you know what I mean. ; )

I'll post a few more of my photos when I get a chance, and lots more when I get my hands on the good ones that Cat took!

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

Aside from the wedding: Ashleigh was really good and sweet all weekend long. We took it pretty easy after the wedding. Saturday night we stayed at Cory & Josh's apartment (NO, they weren't there!) and slept in Sunday morning. We got home about 4:00 and didn't do much the rest of the weekend.

I'm really dragging today, but that's because Ash woke up throwing up about 3am and I didn't get back to sleep until after 5am. She started running fever about 9:30 this morning. I just don't know why she gets sick so much! Blah.

Oh well, more later, I promise!!

1 comment:

Cory said...

I promise to get Cat's good pics to you soon. And they are good pics. But you got a really good one of the back of the dress. Cat didn't get one that had the whole train if I'm recalling correctly.

But I really need to get on the ball. I haven't posted to my blog since before the wedding!!!