Monday, October 9

Another weekend gone...

I had a mild panic attack over the weekend. Well, maybe that's being a little over dramatic, but I did freak out a little bit. It all started with a book I just finished about a home for "troubled" teenage girls and then I watched some shows this weekend that coincidentally carried a similar theme: kids messed up by their parents actions or inaction, etc.

So I started thinking about how you never really know how your children will turn out. Ashleigh is growing up in a home filled with love, as will her baby sister. We're already teaching her right from wrong in addition to her alphabet, numbers and colors. She's good now, but she's not even two. How will she be 16 years from now? There is absolutely no way to know and that drives me a little nuts. I just have to have faith that all the love we give our children will be enough to smooth over all the mistakes we're bound to make and our children will turn out to be wonderful people.

Otherwise, our weekend was good. Had lots of fun family time AND I was quite productive. Finished moving all the scrapbooking stuff into its new home. That might not sound like a big deal, but it was-trust me. That, in addition to all my regular chores added up to a busy weekend. I did take a long nap with Ashleigh Saturday afternoon, though. MAN, that was nice.

Totally unrelated random thought:
Am I the only one who just flat out doesn't like the movie Forest Gump? The only reason I watched it once was because we were at someone's house watching it on video and I couldn't escape. The whole movie was just irritating to me AND I think Jenny was a 'ho. I did not cry when she died. (This thought came to mind because Kenneth flipped past it this weekend. Ugh!)


Kim :) said...

I have had those same fears, and continue to have them! So far so good with my children, but each day is a new day and I worry yet again. We are doing all we can by giving them a loving home to grow up in. From there, we just can't do anymore!

Good for you getting that scrapbook stuff relocated. That is one step closer to having the nursery ready!

Cory said...

I'm not a fan of that movie either. Just not my thing.
Glad you had a good and productive weekend.
And don't worry, Ash and Abby will turn out just fine. We did!!!

Kelley said...

I'm glad I'm not alone, girl! I worry about how Aspen will be at 18, and wonder about the kind of life she's going to have. I hate not knowing. Grr!

And you don't like Forest Gump??? What's wrong with you? :) I like the movie, but totally agree that Jenny is a HO. Big time.

Gina said...

Sounds like you are having a lot of creative fun and introspection. Gump, yes, it's sort of silly isn't it!