Friday, October 20

I know it's been awhile...

but I'm past making excuses. I'm busy, pregnant and tired. ; )

It's too bad too, because over the past week or so I've actually had some good/interesting ideas for blog entries. Too bad I've forgotten them...

So as usual, I'll just subject you to some photos!

My sweet little nephew, Aidan Riley He's a month old now, but this was taken the day he came home from the hospital.

This is a look I get from Ashleigh quite a bit. One of her funny little laughs

OK, I know these aren't National Geographic material, but for me to have taken them at dusk, through our patio door from quite a distance without a tripod, I think I did OK.

Being a fairy princess is hard work! I got this Halloween costume for Ashleigh earlier this week and one of our sales reps thought that Ashleigh asleep in her costume would be perfect for an ad she was doing. Well, the "pretend" to sleep thing wasn't going to work so this morning, I took her PJ's off, put her costume on her and snapped away! She never woke up during the whole thing. I can't imagine sleeping through all that, can you?

23 weeks (and 2 days) I just want it to be know that I really don't like this photo, but it's not the photographer's fault (Rachel). BUT I've put taking it off for over a week so I knew I just had to suck it up and take care of it today. So here I am, very humpty-dumpty like.

We have a pretty full weekend planned. Saturday, a small family-reunion type gathering and Sunday is my company's family picnic. The weather is supposed to be nice and cool-ish, so I'm excited about the outdoor activities. I can do without the hotness of summer, thank you very much!


Cory said...

The pictures are great! Hope the picnic went well. I know I had a great time Saturday.

Kim :) said...

Loved the pictures!! Adorable little nephew there! Makes me want to hug and squeeze him! To funny that you were able to put the costume on Ashleigh while she was asleep and she never knew it! I bet the add turned out great! 23 weeks! And you so DO NOT look "humpty-dumpty like" Crazy girl! You look happily pregnant!