Friday, February 20

A little privacy

Please let me know if you're reading my blog. I think I'm going to make it private for a few different reasons but if you're already reading this, I don't want to shut you out!

I think I'll feel a bit more free to really talk about my thoughts and feelings if everyone with an internet connection and knowledge of English can read it. I think putting stuff out there will help me; just not putting out there for EVERYONE to see. ; )



Tracy said...


I have been reading your blog. I completely understand your reasons behind wanting privacy. I will not be offended if you would like me to stop.

Tracy (Dowdy) Crawford

P.S. I have a blog too:

Cory said...

Well, you know I've been reading it! LOL

Anonymous said...

so have I


Aimee H Shaw said...

Hey Hoochie -

I read it from time to time :O)