Tuesday, April 10

Not so great...

but doing better.

Quick recap of last night:
Started out pretty well, but went quickly downhill within an hour. After dinner, Kenneth left the house to work on a project and I started trying to get a few things done around the house. HA!!! Abby was fussy. OK, not so bad-that happens. Ashleigh was very high maintenance last night, probably partly because of a nap that lasted only 20 minutes yesterday. I finally gave up on trying to accomplish anything, so I tried to just console Abby and watch a little tv. Hard to do with a 2 year old trying to climb you like you're a mountain. All the while singing/talking VERY loudly. By 9pm, I was just about at the end of my rope. Did I mention my sinuses are all messed up, I'm still VERY tired and I had a headache?

I turned out the lights, put Abby in bed, Ashleigh in bed with me-with instruction to be still and quiet, I didn't care if she slept or not! About the time Abby decided she would NOT be ignored, Kenneth got home and I told him to "get her" and very shortly after that, I was blissfully asleep.

Tonight's plans are for things to go much differently that last night! Hope Kenneth feels like helping with everything, because we're going to be busy bees. I just cannot stand for my house to be in disarray. And man, is it ever in disarray right now.

Wish us luck!


Cory said...

Sorry you had a bad evening! Hope it's gotten better!

Kelley said...

Whew...that wears me out just reading it!! You're a super mom, but you need breaks too. And sleep!!!!

Gina said...

Hope your head feels better!