Friday, April 6

Over a month?

Has it really been over a month since I posted? I just can't believe it's been that long, but apparently it has been.

This is the end of my second week back at work. : / It's nice to get out of the house more and have more adult interaction. Not long before I came back, Kenneth said he'd be glad when I came back to work because we'd have stuff to talk about! As far as being back at work, I pretty much fell back in like I never was gone. Everyone seemed happy that I was back and it's always nice to feel needed!

Of course, now the housework is starting to pile up. I do a little each night, but it's almost 6pm when I get home. There's dinner and baths for the girls and you know I have to fit in some time with all the family! I try to sneak in a few tv shows a week (Thank God again for DVR!) and I try to be in bed by 9pm. Needless to say, my evenings fly by.

The girls are both doing well. Abby will be 2 months old Sunday! And Easter is also my Mom's birthday. We're going up for the weekend, so wish me luck. I'm always nervous about spending the night away from home with little ones. It puts us both out of our comfort zone. And Lord knows, it's going to look like we're moving with all the stuff I'll pack. And there's the little matter of the Easter Bunny coming to see them at "Papaw & Mommy Dale's" house. But I think I have that figured out too. It will be fun.

Ashleigh is just as cute as ever. The things she says and does are an endless source of amusement for us. And an endless since of frustration. Pretty much everything is a battle with our strong-willed little 2 year old. BUT I'm currently reading "Happiest Toddler on the Block" by Harvey Karp. If it helps me as much as the "baby" version, our lives will get much easier pretty soon. I should have finished it by now, but it's hard to find the time! (I can't imagine why)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

So wonderful to see a post from you!!

Enjoy your time & Easter with family this weekend. I hope that being out of your comfort zone won't throw things off too much. Easter is Chris' mom's birthday as well. Lots of birthdays that day, it seems. Happy birthday to your mom!!