Thursday, July 20


This is what Peanut looks like about now. Cool, huh? Weird to know that my little one could have the hiccups right now, or jump at a loud noise, and he/she is so small I wouldn't even feel it!

Today officially puts me 25% through my pregnancy.

Only 210 days left to go....

Oh wait!!! Dr. Otey said we'd do the C-section a week early, so that's 203 days, right?


Cory said...

Congratulations!!! At least this time you don't have to worry about going past your due date.

Kelley said...

Oh wow! Interesting to learn things like that! And hard to believe you're already 25% there! Seems like you were just telling me you were pregnant!!!!

Kim :) said...

How exciting! 25% thru it already? WOW, that is a great way to look at it! I loved being pregnant, expect for that last week when I was overdue with Kelsey. Hated that week! But with Brandon I had a scheduled C-Section so it wasn't bad at all.