Monday, July 31

Oh, how I love thee...

Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips. All I can say is YUM!

I think this qualifies as my first true craving this go around. I craved them with Ashleigh too, but not this early. With her, my first craving was refried beans. I still love those too. That was a much healthier craving than this chip business. I buy the fat free kind, and they're loaded with all sorts of things good for me. S&V Chips? Probably one of the worst things I could want. All that sodium? Don't need it. All those calories? Don't need them. All that fat? Don't need it. So I'm indulging myself very sparingly.

Of course, I've tried to get myself fixated on something much more cucumbers. But I only like those in large quantities when they've been turned in to yummy dill pickles!

I really need to not think about food at all, but it's hard some days. Last night, Kenneth and I watched a Travel Channel show about the Top 10 Places To Pig Out. Oh, that reminds me Kelley, have you ever eaten a pizza from Pointers in St. Louis? I can't imagine ever ordering the Pointersaurus (28" pizza that weighs 11 lbs. I think) but man, it sure did look good!! The steaks in Texas looked good, as well as the burgers that were in Boston, maybe? Of course, NOT at those gigantic proportions! I just don't see why anyone would even want to TRY to eat a 3 lb. burger and 5 lb.s of fries! OR a 72 oz. steak and all the sides. Ugh. There were some gross things on there too, like raw oysters (BLAH!!!), 12 egg omlets (ICK!!), really, really hot chicken wings (WHY??) and believe it or not, some HUGE bucket o' ice cream and topping of Ben and Jerry's. I, the sugar fanatic, thought that was just WAY too much.

Then today at work I had to type recipes for a project.

Then I decided to blog about the one thing I'm trying NOT to think of....

I think I'll go get a snack...


Cory said...

Well, maybe you'll get busy at home and forget about the food... I haven't thought about food that much today.

Kim :) said...

You nut. You've gone and made ma hungry now!! I love watching the Travel Channel.

I say hae some of those Salt & Vinegar Chips! Live it up. :)

Kelley said...

Yum is right! You eat up on those chips girl. You're pregnant, and you have an excuse!!! :) Seems like you're surrounded by food...that always happens when you're trying not to think about it!

Pointers...hmmm...I don't recall if I've eaten there. Probably not then, right??

YankeeAmanda said...

MMMM, salt and vinegar chips! Now I want some too.

Man, I miss pregnancy!