Friday, July 14

Bits & Pieces

Well, here are two more things I said last night that struck me as terribly funny. I was talking to Ashleigh in both cases, just in case you wonder...

::Baby, don't rub your face in my crotch!

::Stop sticking noodles in your nose. No ma'am! STOP IT!! ACK!! Not in your ears either!!!

OK, in retrospect, the noodle thing isn't nearly as funny as the first one. But she was so darn INTENT on getting those noodles into her nose.

Just found out that Ashleigh's tests are Monday morning at 8:00. Joy. A renal ultrasound and some other test referred to by letters. VCU or something like that? All I know is she freaks out when the doctors try to look in her ears. She might have a heart attack over this. NOT looking forward to it all ALL!


Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I realized I needed to adjust my attitude a little. I've been really caught up in worrying about money, bills, etc. Wondering where we're going to put all our "stuff" to make room for the little one on the way. I realized that while that stuff does have to be dealt with, I need to refocus my energy on the joy of bringing a new life into the world. I had such a great pregnancy and actually enjoyed it with Ashleigh; with the knowledge that she might be our only child. I had to remind myself how neat it's going to be when I can feel the baby moving. How exciting it will be to find out if we'll have a boy and girl or two girls. The anticipation of meeting our child for the first time. The joy of seeing Ashleigh with her sibling and knowing that she'll have someone to share her life with that grew up in the same house as her and all that involves.

And on a less "meaningful" note, I had to remind myself that hopefully feeling crappy will end in a few more weeks. Of course, stopping to throw up on the side of the highway this morning didn't really help that pep talk any...I'll spare you those details!


Totally unrelated to anything really, but just feel the need to share: Shakira really bothers me. I've never been a huge fan, but her song came on the radio the other day and I almost hurt myself changing the station! That voice, UGH! Worse than nails on a chalkboard to me. I'm sure she's a nice person but if I NEVER hear her sing again I'll be truly happy. Sorry if I've offended any Shakira fans; I'll just blame it on pregnancy hormones run amuk!


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I have all sorts of ideas about cleaning out closets, etc. But lets be honest; I'll do well to keep the regular housework done. That and hang out with my family...


Cory said...

Sometimes you just have to wonder what makes kids do the things that they do.

M said...

I totally laughed out LOUD! The noodles. It's funny what kids will do with their food. :-)

Thanks for the laugh.

Kelley said...

Hope Ashleigh's tests go well this morning! And I know that you'll do a great job turning that attitude around! You're right...there is so much more to life than money, but when that's lacking, it sure affects everything. Hang in there!!!!

{ps. sorry about the throwing up on the side of the highway bit!!}

Kim :) said...

Ugh! I hope your morning sickness doesn't last much longer! throwing up on the side of the highway can't be fun!

Did you get lots done this weekend?