Saturday, July 29

Bad Day/Good Night

Isn't funny how a bad day can morph seamlessly into a good night?

Nothing bad happened to me on Friday; I just felt...blah. I just didn't have the energy or inclination to do anything. Of course, I had to get up, go to work and do my job anyway--that's just what being an adult is about.

But when I got home, an almost magical transformation occurred! Kenneth had come home early and he'd done a little housework which is always welcomed and appreciated. But that's not what really did it. When I came in, he and Ashleigh were playing "Horsey." Which means he gets to be the horse while she bounces around and yells giddyup horsey! So fun to watch. I made a real quick dinner and then the three of us just hung out and played. It was WONDERFUL. The things she comes up with are just hilarious. Like right now, one of her big things is rubbing our back--and we have to rub hers. Well, she started rubbing Kenneth's back and he said "rub my foot." She started to, then said "Foot dirty!" Hilarious, to say the least. But to be fair, she said my feet, her feet and even her Pooh Bear's feet were dirty.

Speaking of dirty feet, she is a little TRAITOR! My dear sweet hubby has taught her a terrible thing. Each night, she decides her Daddy's boots and socks must come off and she helps. About a week ago, after each sock, he told her to go throw it on Mama. AND SHE DID. With great joy and glee, I might add. Now he doesn't even have to tell her. Last night she asked him if she could!!

I wish I'd had a video camera set up just to record our time together last night, so I could replay it when I'm feeling down. I started to get out the camera, but I was afraid the spell might be broken. So I guess other than sharing it here, it will just have to be our little memory to replay in our minds when the mood strikes us.


Cory said...

Doesn't it seem like all the good times are that way?

Kelley said...

I'm so glad that you were able to have such a lovely evening! Those are the kind of evenings that we live for. They are too few and far between, that's for sure. May you be blessed with many more just like that!!!

Kim :) said...

Moments like that are priceless! And you know, even if you had gotten a picture, it wouldn't (or may not) have showed the real feelings anyway. It is just something in the moment that matters more then anything.