Friday, August 11

Get Real

OK, after my last post, which was a bit of a downer, I just had to share this.

I was looking at some pregnancy website stuff, and was looking at the exercise related stuff. Because while I am quite certain I won't overdo it, a girl's gotta be sure, right?

Well, one little "tip" said to weigh yourself before and after you work out and to drink 2 glasses of water for every pound they lost during their workout.


HA! I say.

I'm pretty darn sure that I have never lost a pound of sweat during a workout. Ever. Much less during pregnancy. I mean, I'm all about the AC and fans. And if I start sweating buckets...well, it's time for the cool down.

Of course, this could be why my maternity clothes are large and extra-large rather than medium, but...oh well. I'm not going to sweat away POUNDS of fluid. Not voluntarily anyway.

Have a cool weekend!


Kelley said...

Ha! Hilarious post!

You sure wouldn't like running in Abilene, even at 9:00 pm. I'll tell you that much! And this from a girl who DOES NOT sweat...but it's impossible not to here, really :)

You just keep on keeping on, my friend!

Kim :) said...

You crack me up. I'm right there with ya though! I don't think I've ever sweated away even ONE POUND! lol You're doing great to even keep exercising during the pregnancy. Keep up the good work!

Cory said...

I can't believe someone sweating away that without running outside in South Mississippi. That is just ridiculous. But at least you don't have to worry about trying to chug down five or six glasses of water after your workout.