Wednesday, August 23

Today I Am

::Feeling great
::Really into my Faith Hill mix on my iTunes
::Comfortably busy
::Looking good (according to my coworkers-not my opinion)
::Feeling like my tummy is enormous
::Absolutely, 100% sure that I'm feeling Peanut move occasionally. YAY!!!
::Tired of being broke (too bad that isn't likely to change)
::Thankful for all the blessings in my life
::Totally in love with my husband--he really is great
::Enjoying every minute I can with our daughter; she's just so darn cute and sweet!
::Thankful for all my wonderful friends
::Thinking I need to be a better friend by keeping in touch better
::Wishing I had someone to clean my house and cook dinner every night (but there's that broke thing...)
::Enjoying my job, but at the same time wishing I could be a stay at home mom, at least part time (that money thing again!)

Hope everyone is doing well!


Kelley said...

So glad that you're feeling good! And looking good too! I'm sure that feeling Peanut move is very the you guys have any names picked out yet for a boy and girl?

Sorry about that money know you aren't in that boat alone...

Gina said...

All in all, it sounds like a good day!

Kim :) said...

What a great post! I needed it today. As for the money.. I think that goes along with being a parent?! Just love those kids and the rest will work out.

Kelley said...

Okay,'s been 8 days, girl...give us a new post already!