Friday, August 11

So much for feeling better...

Thursday I thought I might die. OK, not really. But if I hadn't been able to sleep most of the day, I'd probably have wished at least a temporary, non-harmful coma.

Headache doesn't even describe what I felt. It wasn't a migraine, although most people who haven't had a real migraine would say it was. This morning it was much better, only to begin throwing up. Great. Luckily, that didn't last too long, and I think I'm on my way to feeling kinda-sorta good. Hope so, we've got a visit to my family scheduled for tomorrow!

I feel sort of petty even complaining about my minor ailments, though.

I have a friend that I work with that needs everyone's thoughts and prayers.

She just turned 30 this spring, which makes all these health problems even more troubling. She was first diagnosed with heart disease, then it was later determined she also has kidney disease. She's been in the hospital all week and will be there a good bit longer, it seems as they run more tests. I'm sure that she will be fine in the long run, it's just so scary for anyone, especially someone as young as her to have all these problems. And all the waiting is so hard, because you can't really deal with anything until you know what exactly you're up against.

I have another friend who's 32 who's just had her second chemo treatment...

It's so easy to get discouraged, but I will stay positive.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

It IS so hard to stay positive when stuff like that is happening all around you! It's easy to wonder when something will happen to you.

I hate to hear that you were feeling so bad too! I thought you were on the path to getting back to normal feeling, but it appears you had a relapse! Hope you're all better now!