Friday, December 9

Big Girl

Year Old 1
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

Oh my baby is a year old. I just can't believe it. While her birthday evening didn't really go anything like I envisioned, it was pretty good. She was cooperative long enough to get a couple of good shots, with the help of her Daddy making her laugh. Of course, we had to deal with a nosey cat, not to mention camera delays that resulted in lots of great shots of the back of her head! And when we wanted her to stand in front of the tree, she wouldn't!

Oh well. Lot's of "personality shots!" ;-)

She did love her spaghetti for dinner though. (It just doesn't look like it in the photo because she's she's done, she is done!! Don't you just love the mess? Oh, the joys of learning to self-feed...

Her gifts were a huge hit! They might give us a headache, but what's a little noise when you have a happy, occupied baby?

Then came the cake. Oh boy. at first, she didnt' know what to think of her cupcake, but before long, she wasdigging in, offering us some, and ended up just making a big ole mess!

After that, it was bath time. We had another poop incident, much worse than the first one. Ick.

My house is a wreck.
I have to get it ready for a party tomorrow.
I have to get the food ready for said party.
I have to shop after work. Which means less time for preparations.

I couldn't be happier!


Cory said...

Looks like y'all had fun, with the exception of bathtime.

Kelley said...

Loved the pics! Especially the one of her offering up some of the cupcake. That one is priceless!!

I'm glad you all had a memorable first birthday! :)

M said...

That was a great post. Those pictures are beautiful.

Kim :) said...

Oh those are all wonderful pictures! She looks like she had a very nice birthday dinner and cake. Can't wait to hear how the first party went!!