Tuesday, December 20

Just a Quick Note...

to let everyone know I'm alive and well! Just super-busy! When you work in advertising, life is extremely hectic at work and at home, unfortunately.

I did have a very nice birthday, got nice gifts--including cards that Kenneth made with my scrapbooking supplies! One from him, one from Ashleigh. Thanks to everyone for the great loot! ; )

Friday I went to an unbelievably awesome Adobe Photoshop seminar and learned LOADS of cool stuff. Now just have to find the time to practice. Friday night was my company's Christmas party. It was nice, the food was great, and...it was the first "date" Kenneth and I have had since Ashleigh was born. (Just to clarify, we weren't exactly party animals before!)

Saturday was a family Christmas gathering and that morning my beloved daughter woke up with a personality disorder. Whiney, grumpy and SUCH a mama's girl. Oh my! In the afternoon she started behaving a little more normally. Then she screamed for the last 45 minutes home. THAT was fun. Sunday wasn't alot better.

I've decided I must do my Christmas shopping. LOL! (Yes, I AM serious!) Trust me, it wasn't by choice. Being poor kinda sucks and I was waiting on my Christmas bonus! (And I did have some done already.)

At work we are swamped, but I think we'll be OK.

I got my first "official" Christmas gift yesterday! Kelley, I tore into that box like nobody's business! I LOVE the cute little tin sign and I'm afraid I might have to hide that Santa from my mother-in-law. {I'll have to take photos to post on here, the stuff is just WAY too cute!}

Today has been a long day. I got to Wal-Mart at 6:30 am to try to get everything I needed from there this morning. That went fairly well. Now I just a have a few loose ends to tie up and I'll be finished. I better get to "tying", huh?!?

Hope you are all doing well. I'll catch up on blogging soon. Really. I promise!


Paddle Out for Whales said...

OMG a photoshop seminar?? Im so unbelievably jealous. I'd love to go to one. What did u learn? Do share! I understand what you mean about being busy! Seems to be the story of my life at the moment. Hope you have a great christmas!! Have a happy and safe New Year!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

You work in advertising? I got my degree in that! I'd love to get back into the field. Hook a blogger up?