Friday, December 2

Feeling Icky

Well, Thursday afternoon, I did a horrible thing--in a horrible place. I threw up (repeatedly) AT WORK! In the restroom, but still EEWWWW!

I hung in at work until 4:15 and was in bed last night by 7. I don't have what Ashleigh had, because I don't have a fever. Rachel and a few others think it is my nerves. Maybe. I know I've been stressed out, but to the point of physical illness? I'm just not sure.

All I can hope for is some weight loss out of the deal. ;-)

My mom is coming down (unrelated to my sickness) to keep Ashleigh today and should be here any minute. She has the day off and wanted to see her granddaughter.

I will hopefully make it through the day at work...wish me luck!!


Kim :) said...

Oh no!!! I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling so well. I sure hope it passes soon! Hope you have a nice weekend

Danielle said...

Yikes! Feel better!!!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

take lots of drugs
enoy the quiet
take some "me time"

Cory said...

Sounds like what I had, but hopefully not as bad. I missed two days of work!

Hope you are feeling better know, and don't let those people get your nerves knotted up!!!

Kelley said...

Poor poor you!!! Being sick sucks, but throwing up at work is even worse! I hope the weekend helped you to feel better girl!