Friday, December 23

Merry Christmas!

Santa Visit 12.22 3.jpg
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

Well, Santa came by early last night to make sure Ashleigh was being a good girl and deserved a visit on Christmas eve. She was a little unsure of Santa at first, but decided she liked him, and didn't want him to leave! Check out theother photos from his visit.

The doctor called her in a prescription decongestant/antihistimine yesterday because the OTC stuff wasn't even helping, she was steadily getting worse. I don't know if you can tell in the photos, but her little eyes are all red a puffy. But she was in a really good mood until about 9:30 last night. Oh well....that's life with a one year old, I suppose.

I'm loving Advil Cold & Sinus. It has saved me. Try it, trust me. Too bad it can't help my stress from a messy house and lots to do and no time to do it. I'll just try to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and all the blessings in my life. And not let dirty laundry and a cluttered dining room table bother me too much.

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Kim :) said...

aww what a sweet man Santa was to come early to check in with Ashleigh! She looks like she enjoyed it.

Hope you all are feeling 100% again soon!

Kelley said...

Such cute pics of Santa!!! Glad that Ashleigh warmed up to him!!!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Think about it... Santa has got to be real scary to kids. If you saw him in a bar would you talk to him? Me either...

YankeeAmanda said...

And a very merry Christmas to all of you! I'm sure it's going to be wonderful, with Ashleigh having a bit more clue what's going on!

Pammylew said...

lololo....he's such a good daddy!
You are truly blessed.

Paddle Out for Whales said...

haha love the pic of Ashleigh and 'santa' how cute is that? Atleast she wasn't scared. Sounds like you had a great time- forget about the house looks completely trashed at the moment after our inundation of guests, dumping things home and going out again. It's crazy. I did 7 loads of washing yesterday! Can you believe that? Unbelievable.