Monday, March 13

All Better

Well, we've made it through our first bout with the flu...I think. Kenneth and I still aren't feeling any symptoms (knock on wood) and Ashleigh was MUCH better today. She was happy and played and was pretty much back to normal. Saturday was a different story: she felt just a tad better, which meant she was the crankiest little individual I've ever encountered and that's saying something, trust me! I just consider it paying my "Mommy Dues." I mean, everything can't always be smiles and giggles, right?

Got a few small projects underway and one almost completed today. I even managed to squeeze in a couple of movies and some reading the past few days! But when you have a sick child that wants to be held and comforted, there isn't much else to do!

Oh well, off to get ready for another great week!


Danielle said...

Glad she is feeling better!

Kim :) said...

yeah! glad to hear she is feeling better. :) Have a super week!

Kelley said...

So glad to hear that things are back to normal! Woo hoo! Hope that you both escape the symptoms...

And movies and reading to boot...yay for you!!!

YankeeAmanda said...

I'm glad she's better. Jadyn got the crud but nothing like that. And I don't blame you getting mad at them like that. You know all they were seeing all that day was probably "well baby" appointments, too damn bad if your baby ain't well. Sheesh.

Pammylew said...

Good for you for being able to squeeze in some "you" time! ~Doesn't it feel wonderful when your baby feels better and you see those smiles and playfulness come back to life!!! Motherhood is wonderful!!!!!!!