Friday, March 10

The Flu Sucks

Ashleigh has the flu. After days of sickness and battling high fever, I decided it was time to go to the doctor.

She now has a new pediatrician, and here's why:
After a night of not being able to get her fever under 103.5, I got to the pediatrician's office about 8:30. I was RUDELY told by one of the nurses that they only see appointments, no walk-ins. She'd see if they had an opening for the afternoon, but otherwise, I could go to the ER. WHAT?!?!? I really wanted to scream and curse, but I just said, "NO, I'll take her to another damn doctor!" and left. my next and LAST communication with them will be arranging for all her records to be sent to another pediatrician's office. I get angry every time I think about it.....

She was 15 months old Wednesday, here's the best pic from that:

Most of the photos from that evening have expressions more like this one below. But come on, she does have the FLU!

From last Sunday, this was her first 4-wheeler ride:

Kenneth was checking out the new camera, and the cat had to investigate and Kenneth got this funny shot:

Here are a couple of her playing outside Sunday afternoon. I know they won't win any photography awards, but I like them!

I hope her love of reading continues! Also love the new zoom--I was about 18 feet away when I snapped this:


Kelley said...

Sorry to hear that Ms. Ash has the flu! And what is up with your doctor's office being rude?? You've only had glowing things to say about them in the past, what happened to their attitudes? Hopefully the new doctor will be better for you. Love the pictures you posted...even that one of Moo is great! :)

I, too, hope that she will always love to read...I have the hardest time getting Aspen to read. She's like her dad, who never reads...ever...

Kim :) said...

Oh poor baby! I hope she starts feeling much better very quickly! And I think you are right on in changing doctors if they are going to treat you that way!

Love the pictures. :) I see you are enjoying that new camera!

Cory said...

I'm glad she's getting better. At least you got a few good pics of her.

And I LOVE the camera!

Aimee H Shaw said...

oh you all know I don't like kids...
But those pics ARE cute.... :O)