Tuesday, May 10

A Day In The Life

Thought it might be kind of neat, as a 'get to know me' sort of thing to give a rundown of my usual day. I think a person's routine tells alot about them:

5:45-6 - Get up, check on Ashleigh, take a shower
6-6:15 - Feed the loudly meowing cat, pack our lunches, eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast
6:15 - Wash face, apply eye cream and moisturizer, start applying make-up
6:20 - Make Kenneth get out of bed
6:20-6:40 - Finish make-up and dry hair. While doing this, get unreasonably irritated with Kenneth because he seems to be making as much noise as he possibly can. I don't want him to wake Ashleigh, because my morning goes much faster if I can get ready before she gets up.
6:40 - Feel bad for being irritated with Kenneth for not being silent. He kisses me by, tells me he loves me, to have a good day and be careful.
6:45 - Brush teeth and get dressed. This usually involves choosing something that fits and isn't too wrinkled to be worn without ironing.
6:55 - Ashleigh is usually waking up about now, full of smiles and giggles. Get her dressed, load up the car
7:10 - Drop Ashleigh off at her Mamaw's for the day. This involves lots of hugs and kisses.
8:00 (ish) Arrive at work. YAY.

Workday: This can be anything from so busy I don't have time to pee to bored to death, playing in Photoshop and on the Internet.

11:30 or 12 - Lunch. Usually go upstairs and eat, then read, but often run errands so I can go straight home after work

5 - Leave work. Woo-Hoo!!!

5:45 - Arrive home to Kenneth and Ashleigh. Chat with Kenneth about our workday and play with Ashleigh.
6 - Change clothes, start dinner. Always something quick and easy!
6:15 - Feed Ashleigh whatever fruit or veggie we're trying that day, and I usually sing to her. How many 5 month olds get dinner and a show? This is followed by more playing.
6:45 - I eat dinner, usually quickly and standing up. I may or may not clean up the kitchen right now.
7 - Bathtime. This is getting tricky because Ashleigh is too big for her baby tub, really, but I hate bathing her in the big tub and I'm not loving the kitchen sink either. Suggestions on this issue appreciated.
7:30 - After saying goodnight to Daddy, Ashleigh gets her bedtime bottle in her room.
8 - Ashleigh is in bed, usually asleep, but if not, she's working on it.
8-10 - I might do some chores, or watch tv or read or scrapbook. Or I might just go to bed. Oh!! and I always remove my makeup, cleanse my face and apply eye cream and moisturizer. I might not be beautiful, but this is the only face I have, so I want to take care of it!

2 (or anytime during the night, really) Ashleigh wakes up and progresses from whining/fussing to full-fledged crying as she decides she is starving to death and must be fed immediately. Trying to break her from her middle of the night feeding. She skips a night sometimes, so there is hope....


Kelley said...

Girl, I loved seeing your "routine", how fun! I will have to do something similar on my blog. It does tell a lot about a person, I giggled when I read about you taking such good care of your face and all. That is sooo YOU. I should take lessons from you :) Thanks for sharing your daily life!!

Anonymous said...

I should take lessons from you as well. I never can remember to wash my face at night. People at the office have trouble believing we are sisters. I never wear make-up or fix my hair. LOL
Nice to get a decent break-down of your day. I'll try to keep it in mind next time I decide to call you in the evening.