Tuesday, May 24

A Little Disappointment...

Well, I'd entered a photo of Ashleigh in a photo contest at American Baby.com and found out she didn't make it to the 30 finalists. I didn't necessarily think she would. NOT because I don't think she's worthy but there are thousands of entries, I'm sure. And while I think I do pretty darned well with photos, I'm not a nobel prize winner. I think the real disappointment came in when I got an e-mail from American Baby titled "Top 30 Finalists." Me, being the silly girl I am, mistakenly thought that meant she made it in. Of course, the e-mail was just a link to go see who did make it. And there were some really cute kids on there, but Ashleigh was WAY cuter than some. ...sigh... Guess I'll just have to be happy with a wonderful, sweet, happy baby. I have it so rough, LOL!

Another bummer: Ashleigh didn't sleep well at all last night! Which means Mommy didn't sleep well either. She only woke up once, but she wimpered, whined, tossed and turned almost all night long. I was up once or twice an hour to give her a pacifier or to rub her back when she'd get really bad. My poor baby. Darn teething!!! I wish I could just snap my fingers and they'd all be in. Since I wasn't born with magical powers, we'll just have to settle for Baby Oragel, Tylenol, Motrin and chewing on everything in sight!

I've decided that Ashleigh and I are going to stay overnight at my parent's house this Saturday night. Kenneth will be out of town and if it's a total disaster, we'll both have an extra day to recover. It will be nice to fianlly show off my little girl to all the people in the church where I grew up. Of course, my Mom will have her the entire time, I'm sure. It's so cool to see my parents with Ashleigh. They're so proud and just gaga over her. My in-laws are too, but Ashleigh is their 4th grandchild, this is my parent's first, so it's a little different for them. Wish me luck with my overnight trip, and if you have any suggestion about overnight stays with baby, OR teething, for that matter, I'm all ears!


Kim :) said...

{{hugs}} sorry about the disappointment on the photo contest. Even thought we try and prepare ourselves in the event things don't turn out the way we hope it is always still a blow. She is a beautiful baby so please share lots of picture with us here to enjoy! Who needs American Baby anyway!

Teething.. I have heard of some kind of teething tablets? Not sure what brand or anything, but you put a tablet in the babies mouth and it dissolves quickly giving them some relief. But then again I just always did what your doing, Tylenol and lots of love and hugs.

Have fun at your parents house this weekend! And let those grandparents spend as much time with Ashleigh as they want. You can have a little me time that way!

Kelley said...

Well, I can sure understand your disappointment, especially after getting that email! What are those silly magazine people looking for anyway? Ashleigh is just adorable!!!

Have a great visit with your parents!!!