Wednesday, May 11

How You Know You're A Grownup

I'm really not sure when it happened, but at some point along the way, I grew up!

I remember when I was younger I thought that when you became an adult, you'd feel a certain way. I don't know what I expected it to be exactly. I did think that once an adult, you'd always have the answers and always be confident and sure. HA! Boy was I wrong!

I've never felt like that and I'm beginning to think at 32 years, I may never. But there have been little signs that clued me in that while I wasn't looking, I became an adult.

1. I wish I had a day or two off work just to clean house.
2. Even though I can eat cake or ice cream for breakfast, I don't.
3. I'd rather be sure the house in clean and in order than sit and watch a movie.
4. Staying home all weekend isn't a sign of doom for my social life.
5. Actually, not having weekend plans is exciting!
6. I'd rather buy something for the house than myself.
7. I clip coupons AND use them...but only if the generic isn't cheaper.
8. Kenneth and I talk about the couple down the road who is never home.
9. I'd often rather sleep than, well, you know..... ; )
10. I became a Mom.

If those aren't signs of being an adult, I don't know what is!!!


Kim :) said...

Oh I can so relate to this list!! Those are sure signs that we are adults!

Kelley said...

What makes ME feel like an adult is seeing all these high schoolers, and what they're wearing, and thinking to myself, "There's no way Aspen will ever get out of the house looking like that!!"

But ice cream for breakfast, that sure sounds like fun!!!