Tuesday, May 17

It's All In Your Attitude

Funny how your attitude effects everything in a profound way. (I need to work on my work attitude today, because a co-worker is constantly clicking a pin and I'd love to go stab her with it, LOL)

I started thinking about this attitude thing last night. I put Ashleigh (and her tooth, LOL) to bed at 8pm. She woke up at 8:07. I was DETERMINED to watch the final episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. When she started crying, I went and got her. I just put her on the bed with me and we watched tv together. She cooed and squealed and was thoroughly delighted to be with me. She's quite loud (don't know where she gets that from!) which made it hard to watch tv.

Now, I had two choices:
1) Get angry and frustrated that this is the ONE night she won't go to sleep
2) Enjoy the time with my baby because I don't get enough time with her in the first place. (Plus I got a friend to record the
entire Raymond thing for me, so I wasn't really missing anything anyway.)

I of course, chose option 2. It's the easy choice for me to make and really the only one that wouldn't leave me frustrated. I started thinking that I need to work on making choices like that in other areas of my life. It isn't always in my nature to roll with the flow, if I don't like the flow.

It's easy to know what I SHOULD do to make myself happier, but the how to do it can be the problem! Like when the powers that be at work make idiotic decisions, how do you let that slide? I tell myself that work isn't the "really" important thing in my life and it's not. But things just build and build and build and after a while I just can't let it go. I don't want to be a door mat, but I don't want to always be irritated by something either.

Anyone who has any helpful hints on this subject, let me know!

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

Oh Jackie,

I sure wish I had words of wisdom on this. But, unfortunately, I find myself being a door mat often. (yes, I realize I let it happen to myself.) I need to learn to change my attitude about things and pick myself up from the door mate stage and be strong. Maybe one of these days I will be there! Until then I will just continue to enjoy the times that are good and deal with the bad one day at a time.