Friday, May 13

Finally Friday

Well, I am SOOO excited about the weekend! Not because I have any plans, in particular. And those are the best kind, lots of times. It's supposed to be kind of rainy here, which is fine, because it we had about a week of spring then went straight to highs in the 90's with humidity through the roof. Ugh. So this chick will be staying inside with her baby and hubby. I of course need to clean (blah!) BUT I think I'll buy some cool fabric and make a diaper bag. Ashleigh already has 3, but 2 are too big for most things, and one is just a little too small for lots of things. And I'm just in one of those creative moods. Which will also lead me to some scrapbooking. I got another color ink cartridge for my printer, so I'll be printing photos like crazy!!! I've also decided to make a little photo frame type thing to go on my cork board at work-a sort of photo of the month thing. It will, of course, feature a photo of Ashleigh. Probably the one I take each month on the 8th. And there are a couple of movies I want to watch, and I need to finish the book I'm reading before the suspense kills me....LOL. That's the problem with me and unstructured weekends. I have so much I want to do-I never get it all accomplished. At least not now with Ashleigh. Because even though I have all these things I want to get done, I'll spend most of my time playing with her.

Tune in Monday, I'll let you know what I got accomplished....

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