Monday, May 16

First Tooth!!!

My sweet baby has gotten her first tooth!!!!!!! I can't even describe how insanely happy I am about this.

Yesterday she seemed a little more prone to fussiness than usual and was very attached to her pacifier, which isn't like her either. But she was chewing on it, not sucking on it. I thought she must be close to cutting a tooth. I checked her mouth last night after her bath and there was no tooth. But my Mother-In-Law called me this afternoon and told me that Ashleigh had a tooth!!!!

They really do grow up too fast...


Kim :) said...

OH that is so cool!!! These little milestones to make us momma's excited!

Alas, they do grow up much to fast. I have always hears that statement, but didn't truly understand it until I had children.

Anonymous said...

YEA!!! My neice has a TOOTH!!!!

Kelley said...

Yay!!! She is growing up so fast!!