Wednesday, November 30

When Life Throws You Curves

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my due date. I have a photo of me on that day, and had a blog entry prepared to post. It was really sweet and I might share it sometime in the future. But when I got home last night, I didn't want to see a computer.

For many reasons, I cannot go into any details, but things at work have gotten very hectic and complicated. Things will be OK eventually, but I was blindsided with something and it will take me quite awhile to adjust. Add to that the feeling of being in over my head because I don't understand the techinical aspects of computers as well as I wish I did and well....I've been in happier places. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? LOL.

Meanwhile, I'l lost my appetite. I truly hope this trend continues.

Ashleigh is back to her sweet, wonderful HEALTHY self. Kenneth and I are doing well, although I'm starting to seriously stress about money again. You know how when it seems everything just falls on you at once?

But this morning I feel better than last night. And hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better than today.

Maybe I'll soon have time to do some more blogging and get caught up on everyone's lives. So if I'm not commenting, I haven't forgotten about you! I miss you guys!!!!


Kelley said...

Your little girl will be one soon! Seems so crazy. Would love to see your post about that photo from your due share, when you're ready!

And I understand about not wanting to see a computer. This too shall pass, and you will be stronger.

You are in my thoughts...

Pammylew said...

Be strong girl. I'm here for ya!!!! Funny, I actually wish I was there with you at work helping you out! I miss the graphics department!

Kim :) said...

Wow,, Ashleigh will be a year old soon!! Hard to grasp isn't it?

I will keep my fingers crossed that things work out for you and everything flows better soon!!!

YankeeAmanda said...

I'm sorry you're having work stress. That sort of thing seems to be running rampant!