Thursday, June 30


Because of Kelley's post yesterday about happiness I started thinking about how I could be a happier person.

Many years ago, I became such a tightly wound person, it's a wonder I didn't snap. But through the wonders of modern medicine : ) and a very determined effort, I became a much more laid back, go with the flow kind of person. Over the years, I've yo-yo'ed between the "Type A" and "Don't Worry-Be Happy" extremes. Now for those of you who don't know me that well, I'm not psychotic (isn't that what they all say?). This whole thing is much more internal than external.

During my pregnancy last year, I achieved a level of calm and inner peace I'd never achieved before, and it's been slipping the past few months. I want to get it back.

I think the key to that was pretty simple: 1. I was SO thrilled to be pregnant; we didn't know if we'd be able to have children because of infertility issues; and 2. I firmly believe that a pregnant woman's emotional well-being effects the overall well-being of her unborn child. I was NOT going to let anything stupid negatively affect my baby. Having an easy, complication-free pregnancy helped, of course.

So I'm "fixin' to" ; ) make another determined effort to recall some of the things that helped me remain so peaceful.

1. I am truly blessed. I have a husband who is my best friend. We love eachother dearly and trust eachother completely. I don't think enough people can say that these days.
2. I have a healthy, happy daughter. Enough said on that.
3. I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends. Close friends I can depend on and trust.
4. All the things above are what matters most.
5. Work is just a job and a paycheck. I enjoy many aspects of it and that's just a bonus. This might seem like a bad attitude to some, but this allows me to keep all the pettiness and politics in its proper place.
6. People only have the amount of control over me that I allow them to have. Stupid, insensitve, mean, rude, etc. people can only tick me off as much as I let them.
7. Relax and enjoy my blessings.This means not constantly rushing to keep the house spic & span "just in case someone drops by."
8. Take time to do things I enjoy like reading, scrapbooking, just hanging out with Kenneth.
10. Know that when things go wrong and there seems to be no relief in sight, things will get better!


Kelley said...

Loved this one:

People only have the amount of control over me that I allow them to have. Stupid, insensitve, mean, rude, etc. people can only tick me off as much as I let them.

So so true...something I need to work on as well. I think I have gotten better...but still must move forward!

Good for you, striving for happiness and that peacefulness you had during pregnancy. And yes, I KNOW you aren't psychotic! :)

Kim :) said...

Good for you trying to get back to that peaceful place. I think almost everyone struggles with this, weather they want to admit it or not. I think a huge differences in it is those that are willing to accept it and make changes. You can get back to that place!