Friday, January 13

Feeling Out Of Control

{Just a little note to anyone who pays attention to the time of my posts--I screw with them regularly on purpose. Since I couldn't figure out how to take it off altogether, this was the next best thing, in my mind. If anyone can tell me how to turn the time stamp off--please do!}

I feel so out of control in so many ways.

Nothing "exciting" like drugs and alcohol, but in more mundane ways.

::I feel like I've become reactive rather than proactive.
::I've got to start living a healthier lifestyle. I'm not even comfortable in my own body anymore. I hate to leave the house because it requires getting dressed and that my friends, is an ordeal!
::I feel like my home is in chaos. Kenneth would disagree wholeheartedly, but we have different ideas of chaos:
-I can't find about half of my CDs
-I can't find one of my favorite purses
-My closet is not neat and tidy
-Many of the drawers in my home should be labeled "Open at your own risk!"
-I know that we have all sorts of crap that just needs to be thrown away or donated to good will.
-We need to take better control of our finances
-Things are neat and tidy on the surface-I need things below the surface to be the same!
::There are a few other things, but I don't feel it would be wise to go into them here, as I can't control who reads this

I need order. I need control. I need to find that calm centeredness that helps me keep my sanity and happiness.

Oh yeah...I need more time to blog too!

Wish me luck as I embark on this journey to find balance. And peace.


Kelley said...

Girl, I definitely wish you luck on your journey to find balance and peace. If you figure it out, be sure to let me know, because I've been searching for the same things.

Life's quest, I guess...

Kim :) said...

I do hope you find that balance and peace you are looking for! It insn't easy to find sometimes. Hope you can accomplish some of this balance this weekend! Have a good one

YankeeAmanda said...

I know that feeling SO well. I'm learning to live with it because I just can't find time to deal with it!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Sounds like you need a harbor too!