Monday, January 30

I don't know

OK, I couldn't think of a title, so I just went with "I don't know." Lame, but that's just where I am right now, I suppose.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ashleigh and I went to see a friend of mine yesterday and I did some scrapbook pages for her. Tons of fun, AND I scored some awesome free paper. (Thanks Angela!) And I made a homemade apple pie. That's right, Kenneth called me Suzie Martha Homemaker. LOL! I bought apples that weren't very good to eat and Rachel suggested making a pie. I even made my own crust!! And get this: not only was it edible, it was really quite yummy.

Today Rachel came up to visit and pick up the bow I'd made for her to hang on her friend's door after she has her baby, hopefully tomorrow (she's going in to be induced early Monday morning!)

Following Kelley's lead, I subscribed to Dieter Pauwel's weekly e-mail. The most recent one talked about how when you have a problem, the problem isn't the problem itself, but how you deal with it. By focusing on a problem, you direct your attention on the causes and consequenses of the problem, and place blame. Instead, a more productive approach is to focus on the desired outcome or goal that is implied within the problem. Here is one example that really hit home with me:
I want to lose weight. (Focus is on the weight and losing something)

I want to lose weight. (Focus is on the weight and losing something)

The desired outcome is that you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

How can you adopt a healthier lifestyle that will allow you to feel good
about yourself?

It goes on to say that by using this approach, you can turn any problem into a workable solution, without blaming yourself or others.

This really got me to thinking. I do always try to stay positive and be pro-active rather than reactive, but I don't apply that to all aspects of my life. I think I might start trying. ESPECIALLY with the healthy lifestyle thing!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

That Dieter is one smart cookie! Glad that you signed up for it. I enjoyed today's reading, as well. I guess it really is all about how you think about something. Lots of work to be done on my end! :)