Monday, January 30

Have I mentioned...

that I love my husband? That he is really, truly wonderful?

I felt really bad today. I woke up with this weird crampy feeling in my tummy, but it would come and go. Then it came and stayed. Then I developed a monster headache. I hung in at work until 4, then bought some medicine and came home and went to bed. I called him on the way to tell him what was going on. He was properly concerned, which face it, sometimes guys aren't. He came home with Ashleigh who was demanding to see me because smart little booger she is, she knew if my truck was home, I was too. He kept her occupied and about 6 came back to tell me that he was fixing some dinner and asked if I thought I could eat. I had decided I was going to live and got up and ate dinner. Which hurt my tummy less than anything I'd tried to eat all day.

Thankfully, she was ready for bed by 8, and I need to head that way myself. I just wanted to sing my hubby's praises for just a moment. Because no matter how irritated I get with him at times, I love him unconditionally. What's not to love? He puts up with me, doesn't he? ;-)


Kelley said...

That Mr. Kenneth is such a great guy...I'm so glad you have him! Sounds like he treated you very well last night, I mean dinner! Wow! And even a little compassion!

Hope that you are feeling 100% better today. Poor you!!!

Kim :) said...

Isn't it great to have such a wonderful husband? I often wonder how I got so lucky to have my wonderful husband as well. Hope your feeling much-o better today!!

YankeeAmanda said...

What a sweet hubby! When a man knows what to do to help a woman out when she's sick, there's almost no greater feeling!

Paddle Out for Whales said...

How caring! He was obviously concerned about you and knew you needed a break from the regular 'motherly' routine! So good of him but I bet he knows you'd be doing the same for him!

Have a great day!