Wednesday, January 18

Hubby Gone Missing...

OK, not exactly gone missing, but he's let me know in no uncertain terms that while Barrett Jackson is on, he's basically off limits. Not that I mind, but man, it's on forever! Last night 6-10 and the same I think through the weekend then it comes on much earlier and is on until midnight some nights! But I watch with him some, we talk about some of the automobiles. But we mostly talk about how nice it would be to spent that sort of money. Or have it in our bank account. Can you imagine $250,000 for a car? Or truck? That you probably won't even ever drive? Not me....

And House is off until February because of American Idol. And while I've watched AI on occasion, I do NOT think it's worth postponing House over. Or Bones, for that matter. I don't always get to watch them, but it's nice to know I can!

Guess I'll settle for time with Ashleigh. And the book I'm reading by Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas. Too bad I'm almost finished with it....

Obviously not very interesting today....maybe better tomorrow!!


Kim :) said...

Wouldn't it be nice to have the kind of money those people spend on cars just for a show piece!! Crazy I say!!

Ohh, and I have to disagree on American Idol.. LOL But then again I never watch House so I guess that would be the reason I disagree huh? lol

Kelley said...

It would be crazy to have that kind of money...depressing that we don't!

Now don't you go bad talking American Idol! :) Sorry your shows are off...