Tuesday, November 1

Archive Searching...

Took this "challenge" off Kim's blog:

The Blog Archives and Hidden Meanings meme.

The criteria: Delve into your blog archive. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas.

Okay, I went back and found my 23rd post and the fifth sentence in that post.

Here is what I said at that time….

Soon my sadness was replaced with anger.

LOL! I could go anywhere with that one. I think it "means" that I was going through the normal grieving process of losing my beloved little color Epson printer. No subtext or hidden agendas there, folks!


Kim :) said...

TOOO Funny!!!! Wasn't that a fun little thing to do?

Hope you have a fantastic day!

Kelley said...

Ha! That sentence, out of context, made me chuckle! How funny!