Tuesday, November 22

Living the Good Life

It's so easy to get bogged down in the negative, depressed over the way money evaporates into thin air, how hard it is to lose weight...you know.

But when you really stop and think, it's easy to boost yourself up by realizing how lucky you are. This morning on the news they did a little story about a couple of hurricane evacuees who've permanently relocated to the area. This year, their daughter died of cancer, their son drowned in a swimming pool accident and then they lost EVERYTHING when Katrina hit the coast. Yet they were telling all the things they were thankful for! Oh my...makes my dread of steam cleaning the carpets seem really trivial.

LAST NIGHT was wonderful. Diane sent food over for dinner AND for our lunches today. YUM. So we just played and played. Our little tornado realized she can drag more toys out, not just be content with what I've set out for her to play with. Nice. ; )

I'm really excited about this cute little santa suit Diane got for Ashleigh this weekend. It even has a little hat! I've wanted to do a family photo for our Christmas cards, but might just get a photo of Ashleigh in this outfit to send out. She's who people really want to see anyway! Along with lots of other cute stuff, she also brought her this dress that I think might be her Christmas dress. The dresses I really like cost way too much. Or are sleeveless. I know we live in Mississippi, but the high for today is about 50. I don't want my baby to get sick for the sake of fashion. Besides, this is still a "little girl" dress and she's growing up so fast, I won't get to put her in these much longer. What do you think?


Pammylew said...

Good luck getting your "Tornado" to put things back!!! Mine still thinks it's Mom's job to pick everything up and he is now 11 years old. I hope girls are different for your sake!!! Or maybe I didn't threaten ATL with the wooden spoon enough!!!

Kelley said...

Adorable little santa outfit! Can't wait to see pictures of her in that one!! Enjoy your little tornado!

Kim :) said...

I know my family does indeed have a lot to be thankful for!

Aww. the discovery of the toy box.. the fun is just beginning!!!!

Love the dress and Santa outfit. :) Cute pictures to be had for sure!