Wednesday, November 9

Sweet Baby

11 Months Old 2
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

{Be sure to scroll down, there are several things posted today.}

How could you not love this sweet little baby? Of course, I think that, LOL! She was a little bi-polar yesterday; one minute very happy, the next having herself quite the temper tantrum. She decided she hates her car seat and stiffened up like a board and screamed every time I tried to put her in it. That was fun. But after she was in, she was fine. Weird.

Interesting little thing happened at the surgery center while waiting. The HUGE waiting room was practically empty and I let Ash crawl around a bit and play. She didn't yell, squeal or anything. Well, an older (mean-spirited evil hag) lady kept giving us the evil eye and whispering to her companion. Well, once we got within earshot and she said (loudly) "I would have NEVER let my child run around wild like that." To which I replied, "When I give a s**t what you did with your kids, I'll let you know."

Sometimes I wonder what happens to the filter between my brain and mouth. But she did leave us alone after that and everyone else snickered not-so-secretely.

The pre-op was fine, though. Just paperwork and answering questions. Why it matters if me and Ashleigh's father are married I have no idea. But it seemed to be of utmost importance. Was happy to hear she won't have an IV or anything, they'll just knock her out with gas. She even gets to wear her pants and socks to surgery. And she gets to take a favorite toy. We wonder if she'll chose her remote control or a spoon...


Kelley said...

Glad the pre-op went well, and that she gets to take her favorite toy in with her. That will really help!

And I am cracking up over your comment to that woman! I can totally envision that one!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Sombody's got mamma's cheeks!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

And another thing! KUDOS for back nagging the hag with the uber-authoritarian complex.

As long as your kids are behaving (not hurting themselves or others) let them go. Plenty of time to make them miserable when they start paying taxes.

If you ever run into her again, tell her I said to go... Well... This is kinda a family oriented blog, but you get the picture.

YankeeAmanda said...

Good for you, speaking up to the mean lady. My prepared response for anyone who questions my parental decisions will be the following: "I'm sorry, what's your name?" (wait for response) "Hmmm, I don't recall seeing that name on her birth certificate. But mine is. Funny how that works."

M said...

I wish that i'd have said some words to that effect while my son was younger, but i might be eating them right now. He's a talker and loud about it. :-o

Poor child is just like his mother.

Kim :) said...

I am glad to hear that you got the preop scheduled. So glad to hear that she wont have to have an IV or anything! She will do great.

And I LOVE the comment to the old hag in the waiting room! You go girl!