Monday, November 21

Odds & Ends

Ash BDay Invite upload
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

This is the birthday invite I designed for Ashleigh's party. I'd love to have done really nice scrapbook-ish invites, but I just don't have the time for all that. So I designed 4x6 invitations and had them printed today. Now, to find suitable envelopes and get them in the mail!

Train Wreck In A Skillet
I learned the hard way Saturday morning that Blue Bonnet Light does NOT do well to make grilled cheese sandwiches. I hate to blame in on the margarine, but that was the only variable that changed. They wouldn't brown well, but yet stuck and got all mangled. I said that they looked like a train wreck happened in my skillet! But they tasted good.

Christmas Fun
We took Ashleigh to look at lots of Christmas toys and decorations. We turned on all those singing dancing obnoxious things. You know, the things that are fun in the store but you'd never want to bring home? She loved it.

Got some stuff done this weekend-the kind of stuff that has to be done, but nobody notices unless they're doing a home inspection. Like cleaning light fixtures, scrubbing cabinet doors, changing a light bulb that's been out for over a year. (Laugh, but I'm dead serious!)

Got some serious hanging out quality family time in too. All in all a good weekend, but way too short!


Cory said...

I love the invite!

YankeeAmanda said...

Those singing dancing things in the stores? I always pull their plug out just enough to turn them off. Terribly annoying, those!

Pammylew said...

I so need to do the cleaning that you did!!! My house is a total disaster. I will never find my way out of the laundry hell!!!

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

There is some EXCELLENT margarine right now that is actually GOOD for your cholesterol. Benecol and Smart Balance are a few. I cook with them all the time and I can vouch for them.

As a heart patient (see story in blog from September) it is very important to watch for these kinds of things. Start now while it is easy...

Kim :) said...

Love the invitation! :) YOu did a great job on it.

I did that yucky cleaning a couple months back and I am sad to say that I really need to do it again. YUCK!!

The grilled cheese story cracked me up! But glad that it still tasted good. :)