Monday, November 7

Paranoid or Cautious?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being reasonably cautious because of the time we live in, or if I'm just downright paranoid.

I live in the "Hospitality State" so why is it that when a stranger strikes up a conversation with me, I'm instantly suspicious of their intentions? Unless they are 1) commenting on my daughter, which is perfectly normal ;-) or 2) another woman asking my opinion on a child-related item/issue-when we both have our children with us. Otherwise, I go on red alert.

Here are a few examples:
::I stopped to buy gas last week and a vehicle pulled in behind me. I hear a man's voice say, "Hello Monroe!" (The county I live in-it's on my car tag) I didn't acknowledge him, then he asked me where exactly I lived and it was obvious he was talking to me. I turned to answer him and was VERY vague. This wasn't really necessary because people have trouble finding my house with directions AND he was about 70. We discussed the gas prices and weather. Then I suppose he noticed the sunshades and car seat, because he asked if I had a child. I told him yes, but was really quick to point out she wasn't with me. What? Like a 70 year old black man who weighs maybe 130 lbs. is going to sprint over, snatch a 24 lb. child from a car seat that I have trouble getting her out of sometimes, then make it past me into his truck and drive off? Of course not. But then maybe he's distracting me so someone ELSE can....

::About a month ago in Wal-Mart, a Mennonite lady asked my opinion on cough/cold medicines. She explained she was buying a good bit of medicine to send to her granddaughter. Her daughter and son-in-law are missionaries in the Ukraine and can't get medicine. Don't worry, I helped her, even to the point of promising the Equate brand was just as good, and she could buy twice as much for the same price. However, I clutched my purse tightly to me, as if it contained a million dollars AND the cure for cancer AND the answer to "what's the meaning of life"! She noticed and I explained that several women had gotten their purses snatched in Wal-Mart recently. So she grabbed hers up to. Now, if you don't know what a Mennonite is, the best way to explain it is they're sort of like Amish-lite. Did I really think she was part of a purse snatching scheme? Of course not. But can you be too sure?

There are many more examples, but I'll leave it at those two. I have to wonder where all this paranoia of mine came from. I mean, I've lived in rural Mississippi all my life! But I never leave my doors unlocked at home, even if we're there! Unless we're in and out of the yard, something like that. I never leave my car unlocked either. And it isn't being a mom, I was this way before.

So, are you extra cautious or a trusting soul? Do you think I'm careful or crazy? Let me know....

P.S. I know I'm crazy, I mean about this one issue!


Cory said...

I'm the same way sometimes...although I hate having the doors locked all the time. I would end up locking myself out of the house!!!!

Kelley said...

Girl, you crack me up!

I can see your paranoia on the car pulling up behind you, asking where you live, if you have a child.

But the Mennonite??! I was cracking up through that whole paragraph!!!

Seriously though, it's always better to be on alert. Especially as women. This world is a horrible place sometimes. Better safe than sorry.

M said...

I keep my doors locked when I'm inside the house, but we live in Houston, so I would think that that is not uncommon.

I'd be wary of the man, not so much the woman. I'm kinda paranoid as a rule anyway.

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

I'm paranoid of every one (post to explain soon). They call me the Security Nazi so I can relate.

Kim :) said...

aww, I guess I could see it?? But then again I think I am one of those people others may feel they have to be on guard with. I have never EVER met a strange. I will strike up a conversation with anyone. I just can't stop myself. Soo.. I can see the other side of this, the side where "I" may be that person talking to you at the gas station, or the lady in Walmart.. not meaning any harm, just trying to be friendly....