Friday, July 8

Had a thought...

You know, I just had a little thought and decided to share it, for what it's worth.

I think everyone admires (or envies) certain qualities in other people. Whether it's a talent, ability, physical traits...there's something. It's easy to feel like everyone else has the "good stuff." You know what? While you are sitting around envying others, there are people who envy you too! We all have things that others wish they had! So I guess one of the keys to being content is focusing on those good things you do have.

I'm not sure I really did a good job of putting my thoughts into words, but I gave it a shot!

I'm sure I'll post some photos later. We had fun playing with Ashleigh's hair last night, LOL!!!


Kelley said...

I think you said that very well! While people waste time being "green" with envy, there are people out there admiring something about them! I believe that is true.

For instance, did you know that I:

-- admire the way you "speak it like it is" and wish I was more forthright like that?

-- am envious of the incredible nurturing mother instinct you have, and wish I had just an ounce, a sliver, of that??

-- wish my family was an hour or so away like your's??

So, there! See??!

Kim :) said...

What a great thought!! I guess I haven't ever really thought of it this way, but your absolutely right!